abgelaufen„Prendas“ Vermentino Sardegna DOC 2022 bei Svinando

12.5 € 16.0 € ZUM ANGEBOT*

16.67 € pro Liter

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„Prendas“ Vermentino Sardegna DOC 2023 bei Svinando


It is called Prendas and is one of the good wines offered by the Cantina Sociale di Dolianova, one of Sardinia’s finest cooperatives. It is a simple and pleasant Vermentino di Sardegna DOC, produced from grapes that ripen in a hot, very hot, almost arid climate. 100% Vermentino, the grapes are harvested by hand, after careful selection of the most suitable plots. Once in the cellar, the grapes undergo destemming, followed by soft pressing. The must obtained is then clarified by cold static decantation and the clean fraction is inoculated with selected yeasts. Thus begins the delicate fermentation phase, always conducted at a controlled temperature, over a period of about fourteen days. At the end of this process, the wine remains in contact with its noble lees for about 45 days, and is only bottled in the spring following the harvest, to preserve its freshness characteristics. Pale straw yellow in colour, with slight greenish reflections, the nose reveals intense floral, but also fresh and fruity aromas. In the mouth, however, it is pleasantly acidulous, with a delicate and characteristic bitter streak on the finish. To put it at ease on the table, just don’t let it go without good fish. Excellent right from the (seafood) appetiser, than with a grilled or stewed fish.


Flasche:               16.67 € pro Liter
Allergene:           enthält Sulfite


Bild: Svinando

Nur solange der Vorrat reicht!

„Prendas“ Vermentino Sardegna DOC 2022 bei Svinando
12.5 € 16.0 €

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